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This is The order of adjectives (លំដាប់គុណនាម):

Opinion (គំនិត): nice, excellent, lovely...

Size (ទំហំ): large, long, short...

Quality (គុណភាព): clear, busy, quiet...

Age (វ័យ): old, new, ten-year-old...

Shape (ទ្រង់ទ្រាយ): round, flat, wide...

Colour (ពណ៌): red, blue, green...

Participle form: covered, broken, missing...

Origin (ប្រភព): British, Italian, American...

Material (សម្ភារៈ): brick, paper, wooden...

Type (ប្រភេទ): human, domestic, chemical...

Purpose + Noun: alarm clock, tennis court, walking boots...

  • Follow above rule (អនុវត្ត Rule ខាងលើ): A hard wooden seat
  • Short Adjective + Long Adjective (គុណនាមខ្លី + គុណនាមវែង): A big horrible building
  • Old/young + noun of people : A pale young man